A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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There Can Be Only Treasure was developed in 2 days for a Game Jam to support the new GameNite system! The game is played by connecting to a local server with your phone to operate as a controller. Get 4 friends together with phones and have a blast! GameNite Console: https://playgamenite.com/

Game Overview / Objective of Play:

When the game starts, up to 4 connected players will spawn as a Pirate with a Ship and a Treasure Chest on their own private island. The goal is to collect treasure and stash it in your personal treasure chest- BUT- if you die you will drop all of your currently carried treasure for anyone else to loot! YOU MUST STASH THE TREASURE TO GET POINTS TO WIN. Pick up random treasure, steal treasure from your opponents chests, or blow up their boat and take whatever they have on them!

As you play, you may be controlling your Pirate or your Ship. Either can take damage as long as you are in control. Avoid the GIANT OCTOPUS! .... or don't, cuz I didn't have enough time to finish his features or many of the others I have planned yet. :P


**Check out GameNite development for any special setup if these instructions do not automagically work for you**

1. Unzip the downloaded game files. Access the folder "controlpad_test_server-main" and launch the start.bat or start.sh file to prepare the server which will listen for phone connections to be treated as controllers for input.

2. Launch the game in the There Can Be Only Treasure folder. 

3. With your phone, connect to the ip address:3000 of the computer running the game. For example: use your phone browser and navigate to if that's your computer ipv4 address.

1. The entire game is operated with the on-screen joystick, A button, X button, and B button. (B button is only used to cancel / back out of menus)

2. Select PLAY, then tap A to Join, and A to READY your character for play. Once everyone is ready the game will begin.



1. Steal Treasure if touching an opposing player's treasure chest. (Tap rapidly to keep stealing)

2. Stash Treasure if touching your own treasure chest.

3. Board Ship if it is your own ship.



1. Dock/Leave ship if touching / near an island.


1. Shoot cannon ball!

PLANNED FEATURES that didn't make it into the game before the game jam finished:

1. Sound Effects and Music

2. Pirate to Pirate sword combat

3. Deep Treasure fishing

4. Explosions and many animated FX

5. Death animations

6. Ship Wrecks and Repairing Ships

7. Kraken AI

8. Scallywag henchmen

9. Selectable Characters with varied perks, such as "Better At Stealing", "Better At Repairing", "Better With Cannons", "Better With Swords", "Faster Swimmer/Runner", "Faster Boat", "Extra Healthy", etc...

Please feel free to leave feedback! This game was developed in under 2 days by me and my wife. She animated the islands, the octopus kraken thing, the cannon ball, and the main title. The rest of the assets used were paid for by me to other indie developers with love. Cheers!

Published 16 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Tags2D, party-game, Top-Down


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ThereCanBeOnlyTreasure_LinuxBuild.zip 54 MB
ThereCanBeOnlyTreasure_WindowsBuild.zip 53 MB

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